How do i reset my Windows XP Administrator password without knowing old password?

How to reset expired Windows XP Administrator password without knowing the expired/old password.


This was a recent problem faced by one of my friends. He forgot Windows XP Administrator password and the password just got expired. Well, this is how he reset his password in 9 simple steps and saved from the re-installation nightmare.
If you have encountered the above scenario follow these simple steps.
1. First, read all the steps carefully before starting.
2. Restart Computer
3. Keep pressing F8 to enter Options page
4. Select "Command Prompt" option
5. Select Specific Windows Installation.
6. In the command prompt type
>net user Administrator *

It will ask for the new password. Just enter the new password. Type again the same for confirmation.
7. Restart windows
8. In the Reset password dialogue window give the new password you entered in step 6 as the old password and give the new password.
9 Your Administrator password should now be changed.

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