ruTorrent / RTorrent - What do i do first?

Load up your SSH client (such as Putty for Windows)

Use the steps below to change your passwords before using RTorrent / ruTorrent.  THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP!

The first thing you will want to do is to CHANGE YOUR PASSWORDS as the passwords used for FTP / ruTorrent Web Interface are default passwords used on every box at the start.  If you do not change your passwords then previous users will be able to log into your box using the default password and reinstall will be needed (Reinstall = £15 per install)

Here are some links to show you how to change your passwords for  None Root user SSH, FTP, ruTorrent and VNC (If you use vnc) :-

You can log into our clientarea and look at the knowledgebase for useful help and how to's / tutorials on ruTorrent / RTorrent here :-

The above ruTorrent / RTorrent seedbox hosting help articles should get you up and running.

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