A popup window will appear on the clientarea home page if the client
has any invoices not paid or if you want to advise the client of a
network issue. The network issue will only appear once for the clients
session, to make it re appear close the blowser and then re-open again.
Also if the client has not set a security question it will force the
client to select a new security question.
=== V1.0.1 ===
* [FIX] - Now uses the tag to insert the code as some had onload and id's in the main body tag.
* [FIX] - Login from admin now not forced to security question
* [FIX] - Both the header and footer compiled templates are now cleared before the popup code is inserted.
* [ADDED] - Ability to turn of certain popups
* [ADDED] - Select how many days defore the due date to show in the popup. Defaults at 0 or on the due date
=== V1.0.0 ===
* Original Release
Upload the includes folder from the zip to your whmcs root directory.
Add the 3 below language lines to your whmcs/lang/English.txt file.
$_LANG["invoicescurrentlyowing"] = "You currently have an Outstanding Balance of";
$_LANG["invoicespleasepay"] = "Please pay any outstanding invoices to avoid suspension of applicable services.";
$_LANG["securityquestionerror"] = "It appears that you have not setup a Security Question";
For other languages translate the lines and add to your language file.
It's not essential to complete this section unless you need to change some default settings
A few switches are available to adjust certain features by placing the below block into your whmcs/configuration.php file.
#### ClientArea Popups Extra Configuration ####
## Uncoment the switch that you want to use by removing the single # from the beginning of the line.
#$showinvoicepopup = false;
## This switch is true by default and is only needed to not show any invoice popups.
#$popupdueinvoicedays = 3;
## This switch defaults to 0 and is the number of days before the unpaid invoice due date to show it in the popup.
#$shownetworkissuepopup = false;
## This switch is true by default and is only needed to not show any network issue popups.
#$forcesq = false;
## This switch is true by default and is only needed to not force the security question.
Each of the popups are held within a div container with their own id and can be easily altered to change the look of the contents of the popup.
For example you can change the look of the contents of the popup by useing this in your css file to change the popup invoice.
#invoicedue .clientareatableheading { background-color:#efefef;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;font-size:12px;padding:4px; }
#invoicedue .clientareatableactive { background-color:#DFFFE0 }
#invoicedue .errorbox { background-color:#FFBFBF;padding:10px;margin:0 0 10px;text-align:center;color:#7F0000; }
#invoicedue p { margin:0;padding:3px 0 8px; }
For any support on this mod please open a ticket in your clientarea at
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