(some of these may be pre-installed)
Display Resolution: 1366 x 768 or higher (if you use it on smaller than this you will have to scroll to see all the tabs at the top of the software)
4gb Ram (not shared with graphics card)
.NET4.7 or higher (you get this from the microsoft site, make sure you check if your pc is 32 or 64 bit operating system and get version accordingly
.NET 3.5 (you get this from the microsoft site, make sure you check if your pc is 32 or 64 bit operating system and get version accordingly
Window 7,10,Server 2016 Operating System
PC Computer (Mac with parallels and .NET 3.5 and 4.7 or above installed and c++ redestributable files)
(or a Windows VPS such as KVM, Xen, Hyper V - submit a ticket for more details)
**Some Antivirus / Security software on your pc may cause false positives due to our protection system so you will need to white list the software**