
 4gb seg fixup,how to solve (CentOS)

Xen DomU: 4gb seg fixup, process A common error on a Xen DomU (as well as Dom0) in...

 How Can i tell if my server is being DoS/DDoS'd (denial of service ) ?

You can use this command to see the number of connections per IP. It's a bit easier on the eye...

 How can I add more CentOS repositories?

How can I add more CentOS repositories? It is possible to add more repositories that are...

 How can I find the Cent OS version?

To check which release your are running you can type this into the console (bash / shell) via SSH...

 How can i show my cpu info (linux)?

How can i show my cpu info? Log in to your server via SSH then typ;e the following command...

 How do I Recover My MySQL root password?

How do I Recover my MySQL root password?   You can recover MySQL database password with...

 How do i add RPMforge repositories (CentOS 5)

  You should make sure that you have Priorities installed. yum-priorities is available in the...

 How do i add extra drive space?

 How do i change the SSH Port?

How do I change my SSH port? (linux) In order to help minimize the number of port...

 How do i disable IPV6 on Cent OS

disable ipv6 on centos then you can do this :-Log in via ssh and type this :-service ipv6tables...

 How do i install VSFTPd on CentOS?

 How do I configure and install an FTP server in CentOS Linux server? CentOS / RHEL server comes...

 How do i move a LVM from one server to another?

How do i move a LVM from one server to another?   Example : Volume Group =    munich4_vg...

 How do i run a script on startup?

How do i run a script on startup? If you choose to make it a normal startup script then the...

 How do i transfer files from one linux server to another using rsync?

How do i transfer files from one linux server to another using rsync? You can do this by simply...

 How to Create a LVM2 Logical Volume for Swap (CentOS 5)

Creating an LVM2 Logical Volume for Swap To add a swap volume group (assuming...

 How to Create a Swap file (Cent OS 5)

 Creating a Swap File To add a swap file: Determine the size of the new swap file in...

 How to Extend Swap on an LVM2 Logical Volume (CentOS 5)

Extending Swap on an LVM2 Logical Volume To extend an LVM2 swap logical volume (assuming...

 How to Install Imagemagick with PHP imagick extension (CentOS)

How to Install Imagemagick with PHP imagick extension on CentOS To install imagemagick with...

 How to block ICMP ping using iptables

How Do i block ICMP Ping requests? You can block ping requests using iptables using the...

 How to install and configure NTP to synchronize the system clock

CentOS Linux install and configure NTP to synchronize the system clock Q. How do I install...

 How to set time and date using ntpd (CentOS)

How to set time and date using ntpd (CentOS)?   If ntpd is already running, then the time...

 What Program do i use to connect via SSH?

What Program do i use to connect to SSH? We recommend that you use Putty. This can be...

 What do I do if I can't (can not) connect to my vps with SSH Client?

What do I do if I can't (can not) connect to my vps with SSH Client? Simply log into your vps...