Traffic Shield Windows Software's main aim is to setup your domains on the CloudFlare(TM) service.
A quick overview of CloudFlare (quoted from their website)
"CloudFlare protects and accelerates any website online. Once your website is a part of the CloudFlare community,When you load Traffic Shield you are presented with the main User Interface which consists of a place that you can enter your domains you wish to add to your CloudFlare(TM) account,
its web traffic is routed through our intelligent global network. We automatically optimize the delivery of your web pages so your
visitors get the fastest page load times and best performance."
an email and password box. If you have an existing CloudFlare(TM) account then you can enter your CloudFlare(TM) email and password in the boxes. If you do not have a CloudFlare account then
please type in the email and password you want to use for your account.
You then have two choices you can press Create Accounts and let Traffic Shield automation software go ahead and do its thing or you can press either the Ban IP Options button or the Country Ban Options button and pick your options before pressing Create Accounts.
The Ban IP Options is preloaded with a list of current IP's which we have had problems with on many sites (such as bots and scrapers and fraud clickers), you can use these or you can clear them and populate the box with your own IP's you wish to ban. These will then be added to your CloudFlare account when Traffic Shield runs. You also have the option to add IP's into the Whitelist, you can whitelist IP's if you need to.
The Country Ban Options has 2 functions, we have added a Block Bad Countries (Easy Mode) check box, this will set the main bad countries which we have found to send the most bad traffic in general to sites.
You can untick this if you want to pick the countries to ban yourself. To do this press the Select Countries to Challange, this will grab the country codes for each country in the world and then present you the country names in a pop up box, you can then put a tick next to each country you want to block. This will set these countries to challange in CloudFlare(TM) once Traffic Shield software runs.
Once you have pressed Create Accounts Traffic Shield will setup your CloudFlare(TM) account with all your preselected settings. Providing everything went ok you will be provided with the nameservers in the Raw log once Traffic Shield has finished running (these will look something like ie You must copy these name servers down for each domain you have added and then goto your domain registrar and replace your existing nameservers with the ones just provided. You can find how to's for some of the top domain registrars in our knowledge base under Software / Traffic Shield.
We also offer a premium service to set the nameservers for you in your domain registrar manually by one of our staff for a small fee (you can also find links to this service in the knowledgebase in the same place).
That's it, your domain will now be setup / protected by the CloudFlare(TM) service.
***PLEASE NOTE: We are not owned by CloudfFare, we are not associated or affiliated with the Cloudflare(TM) service in any way. Traffic Shield uses the cloudflare api to set settings in your CloudFlare(TM) account, this process can be done manually also (but takes a lot longer and you need to be familiar with all the settings)***